It would be a greatadventure to travel to the Mid Anatolia to visit the historical and naturalmarvels of this fascinating region of Cappadocia for “fun”experiences and wonderful cultural “surprises” by the Turkish Hospitality with UTS – Turkey’s Award-Winning Service Quality!
While feeling the magicalatmosphere of the Fairy Chimneys, Underground Cities and Goreme OpenAir Museum protected by the UNESCO’s WORLD HERITAGE, you will enjoythe spiritual evening with the outstanding performance of WhirlingDervishes and once in a life time experience of Hot Air Balloon Ride overthe natural beauty of the region. To experience the local charm of the luxurycave hotel would be one of the highlights of your trip.
The “OPEN AIRMUSEUM OF ROCK CARVED CHURCHES”, built by the early Christians there,hiding from the persecution of the Roman soldiers. Due to the incrediblybeautiful frescoes, adorning the walls of these early churches of Christianitycarved into vulcanic rocks, CAPPADOCIA’s famous Open Air Museum has been included in UNESCO’s WORLD Heritage List, as one of thecultural Wonders of the World.UNDEGROUND CITY of OZKONAK
Ozkonakwhich is an ancient city built on the northern slopes of Mt.Idis about 14 km northeast of Avanos in Turkey. The city hasmany strata made up of volcanic granite its larger areas are connected to eachother by tunnels. Özkonak had a built in communication system of pipes to each of itslevels, Each carved out room had ventilation provided by holes when the citywas closed against enemies.The city was probably built by the people ofByzantine Cappadocia, although the age is uncertain and could be older.
IhlaraValley is waiting for visitors for a Hiking Tour a canyon with a depthof approximately 100 m, was formed by the Melendiz River thousands ofyears ago. It begins at Ihlara village and ends at the village of Selime aftermaking 26 bends along 14 kilometers. It is very pleasant to walk through thevalley by the vineyards, poplars and pistachio trees to the soothing sound ofthe rushing water and surrounded by a rich wildlife of lizards, frogs,butterflies, birds and sometimes eagles.
It is an exceptional natural wonder - the giant monuments left byMother Nature in Love Valley.Situated in the very heart of modern day Turkey this natural wonder sits on ahigh plateau over a thousand meters in altitude. Rainfall is sparse in thisarea and the place has hot dry summers and bitterly cold snowy winters. Thereis little rainfall and so the region is generally arid. In this environmentthese huge phallic natural structures seems like some sort of ancient homage tomale fertility. However, they are far from man-made despite the possibleresemblance to manhood.
This is a cultural visit to the group of young village girls fromall over Cappadocia, at their “Art School”, where they happilylearn to become masters of the national art of weaving Turkish carpetsand kilims to be able to contribute to their traditional dowry, before they getmarried.